Monday 26 May 2014

Northern Lights

Resource type: audiobook (fiction)

Cover (Pullman, 2003)
Imagine if part of who you are, part of your identity, was separate from you? A dæmon, a separate animal that could shape shift and talk? You'd always have a friend, disputes with other people could be resolved by having your dæmons fight and people could understand you better by your demon's expressions. Would this be easier? Would it be a cure for loneliness? Could we understand each other better?

These questions are asked in Northern Lights. 

The story follows Lyra Belacqua, and her dæmon Pantalaimon, in an alternate universe where lanterns are used as projectors, and cars don't exist. It's a Steampunk world, there's more dust and dirt, the Church and and academic colleges run the country, and there's a bear king who lives in the north. Lyra plays a very important part in the future of this world, but she must not know. A Steampunk contraption called an alethiometer makes it's way in to Lyra's hands. It's kind of like a barometer (used for checking air pressure) but this is used to tell truths.
Lyra must learn to use it, and quickly! Children are disappearing, there are rumours of the church conducting experiments on humans, and there is a rescue mission to find the missing children.

In this audio adaptation of Phillip Pullmans first epic novel in the dark materials trilogy, the characters come to life and the story plays out inside your head as you listen with headphones. While you walk to the train, watching cars and houses pass you in the street, a fantastic adventure full of opulence, academics, magic and mystery plays out. You hear a moth flit past you, and you can almost feel the softly worn leather as someone sits down in an old leather armchair.

Although this is only an abridged version of the full story in The Golden Compass, the audiobook format is an extremely engaging medium in which to experience this story.

Bibliographic details:

Pullman, P. (2003). Northern lights. [Audio Recording]. Bath, UK: BBC Audiobooks.

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