Monday 26 May 2014

Best STEAMPUNK DIY : DIY Guide - Threadbanger

Resource type: video (non-fiction)

So you've seen some of those fancy tiny Steampunk hats, metal goggles and lace-up corsets, and feel like trying your hand at making some for yourself?
Well, this video would be an excellent place to start.
Brought to you by the people at ThreadBanger craft, costumes and DIY with a tough punk edge), this video is an amalgamation of other how-to and DIY videos of the Steampunk genre. It's a good starting point for more Steampunk content on YouTube.

There’s a quick introduction to what exactly this "Steampunk" thing is - "Post apocalyptic – Victorian - wild west inspired, future-infused HG Wells-ish kinda style - pretty awesome", as the narrator says, and then we get straight into a collection of content, with a few comments from ThreadBanger on the side. Get acquainted with the award-winning web series League of STEAM Supernatural and Troublesome Ectoplasm Apparition Management), learn how to make your own Steampunk water gun (hint: you'll need to use liberal amounts of bronze spray paint), there's a link to instructions for that quaint tiny hat I mentioned earlier, and even a "Steampunk gypsy dance belt thing".

The tone of narrator is causal, humorous and conversational. He also doesn't sound extremely authoritative, but that isn't a problem as this is simply an introduction to Steampunk - a window to further content.
The video merges humour, some basic background to the genre and a whole lot of content to satisfy your desire for Steampunk fashion and accessories DIY.

This is definitely a video for people who like Steampunk, maybe don't know very much about it, and want to get some inspiration and get started in making things. It's not targeted towards a particular age group, but features mainly older teenagers and adults.

As a side note, the narrator makes the comment that they couldn't find a lot of content out there. So why not get cracking and make your own?

Bibliographic details:

ThreadBanger. (2013, July 12). Best steampunk DIY : DIY Guide - Threadbanger. Retrieved May 12, 2014, from

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